
Greek as a Second Language
Online-Only Courses

This learning pathway is crafted for children that are not able to attend our after-hours schools in person.

The course requires attendance twice per week: Monday and Thursday 5:30pm-7:00pm. The tuition fees for 2021 are $1,000 paid on a per quarter basis.

Enrolment requires pre-payment for the first quarter ($250).

1. Class Selection
Select Class:*
Please select a course

2. Student Details
First Name:*
Please enter your first name.

Last Name:*
Please enter your last name.

Invalid Input

Date of Birth:*
Invalid Date of Birth

2. Health
Special Requirements / Needs / Illness / Disability:*
Invalid Input

Does the student have any needs that require special attention from the staff / teachers?

Special Requirements / Needs / Illness / Disability Details:
Invalid Input

(please provide details)

3. Details Required by the Department of Education
Mainstream School Name for Enrolment Year:*
Invalid Input

Mainstream School Campus for Enrolment Year:*
Invalid Input

Mainstream School Year Level for Enrolment Year:*
Invalid Input

This Student's residence status is:*

Invalid Input

Other, please specify:
Invalid Input

Other After-Hour Greek Language School:*

Invalid Input

Other Greek Language School Details:
Invalid Input

Dep. Ed. Privacy Collection Notice*
The information about your child and family collected through this enrolment form will only be shared with school staff who need to know to enable the community language school and Department of Education and Training (Department) to educate or support your child, or to fulfil legal obligations including duty of care, anti-discrimination law and occupational health and safety law. The information collected will not be disclosed beyond the Department without your consent, unless such disclosure is lawful. For more about information-sharing and privacy, see the Department’s privacy policy at: http://www.education.vic.gov.au/Pages/privacy.aspx

Dep. Ed. Privacy Consent (you agree to this when you submit the form)*
I confirm that the information provided on this enrolment form is true and correct and I acknowledge and agree to the terms and conditions of enrolment accompanying this enrolment form. I consent to: • the collection of my child’s health and personal information by the community language school; • the community language school disclosing my child’s personal information contained in this enrolment form to the Department of Education and Training for data verification and funding purposes; • the Principal or teacher (where the Principal or teacher in charge is unable to contact me) to administer such first aid to my child as the Principal or staff member may consider to be reasonably necessary including disclosing personal and health information to professional third parties in the event of a medical emergency.

4. House Details
Street Address:*
Please enter your address.

Home Suburb:*
Invalid Input

Home PostCode:*
Invalid Input

Home Phone:*
Please enter your phone number.

5. Parent / Guardian 1
Please enter the name of your emergency contact.

Parent/Guardian Relationship:*
Please provide the nature of the relationship.

Mobile Phone:*
Please enter the Parent/Guardian's personal telephone number.

Invalid Input

Work Phone:
Please enter the contact number of your emergency contact.

6. Parent / Guardian 2
Please enter the name of your emergency contact.

Parent/Guardian Relationship:
Please provide your contact number.

Mobile Phone:
Please enter the contact number of your emergency contact.

Invalid Input

Work Phone:
Please enter the contact number of your emergency contact.

7. Fee Details
Tuition Cost per Quarter:
Please select a course

Book Details:
Please select a course

Book + Shipping Cost:
Please select a course

Coursebook Option:
Invalid Input

Total Amount for this quarter $
Please enter a number.

8. Payment Details
Name on Card:*
Please confirm your Credit Card Details.

Cardholder Address:*
Please confirm your Credit Card Details.

Card Number:*
Please confirm your Credit Card Details.

Visa or MasterCard

Card Expiry (mm/yy):*
Please confirm your Credit Card Details.

Card CVC:*
Please confirm your Credit Card Details.

Human Verification
9. Privacy Agreement (agreed to by submitting this form)

I consent for my child to participate in the remote learning program via an online platform of the school's choosing.

I also take full responsibility for the supervision of my child while he/she is using the PC whilst at home for the purposes of his/her participation within that online platform.

The information about your child and family collected through this enrolment form will only be shared with school staff who need to know to enable the community language school and Department of Education and Training (Department) to educate or support your child, or to fulfil legal obligations including duty of care, anti-discrimination law and occupational health and safety law. The information collected will not be disclosed beyond the Department without your consent, unless such disclosure is lawful. For more about information-sharing and privacy, see the Department’s privacy policy at: http://www.education.vic.gov.au/Pages/privacy.aspx

I confirm that the information provided on this enrolment form is true and correct and I acknowledge and agree to the terms and conditions of enrolment accompanying this enrolment form. I consent to: • the collection of my child’s health and personal information by the community language school; • the community language school disclosing my child’s personal information contained in this enrolment form to the Department of Education and Training for data verification and funding purposes; • the Principal or teacher (where the Principal or teacher in charge is unable to contact me) to administer such first aid to my child as the Principal or staff member may consider to be reasonably necessary including disclosing personal and health information to professional third parties in the event of a medical emergency.

How did you hear about this course?
Invalid Input
