Events Coming Up

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Skills Expo Athens - 8 and 9 October 2011


The Greek Orthodox Community of Melbourne & Victoria wishes to inform all Greek Citizens, who are interested in immigrating to Australia as skilled workers, that applications for registration to participate in the information session "Skills Australia Needs" in Athens (8 and 9 October) are now open. To apply please follow the link:


The Skills Australia Needs information session in Athens is hosted by the Department of Immigration and Citizenship. This event will provide an opportunity for skilled workers with occupations in demand in Australia to hear directly from the department about skilled visa options for Australia and potential employment and sponsorship opportunities.

Skilled workers in health, engineering or automotive, construction, electrical and mechanical trades who are interested in attending are encouraged to register an expression of interest.

Attendance is free of charge and by invitation only. Invitations will be issued by email during late September 2011, and information on venue and attendance times will be provided to invitees at this time.

Places are limited and selection of invitees will be based on skills, experience and qualification in highest demand in Australia. Only those with a valid ticket will be permitted entry to the venue.

Alphington Grammar Koinotika Nea - the Greek Community newsletter Requirements for Greek Citizenship

