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Events : FILM
The Return 1 1
The Return
The Return Day32 MI 4531 B5

The Return, Co-Presented by GCM

  • When:
  • Entry: Ticketed

Event Details

The Russell Hobbs British Film Festival opens next Wednesday with a superb line up including THE RETURN, co-presented by Greek Community of Melbourne. Starring Ralph Fiennes and Juliette Binoche, this adaptation of Homer’s Odyssey exudes the essence of the Greek epic with a distinctly British spin, offering a meticulously measured classical work.

Director Uberto Pasolini’s adaptation of Homer’s ODYSSEY reunites THE ENGLISH PATIENT stars Ralph Fiennes and Juliette Binoche in a film that exudes the classical essence of the Greek epic with a distinctly British spin, capturing the steely resolve of its source material, where every gaze is intense, and each word and breath is meticulously measured.

The story begins as Odysseus (Fiennes), is washed ashore on Ithaca after more than 20 years away, having fought in the Trojan War. His wife, Queen Penelope (Binoche), has waited faithfully all this time, while their son Telemachus (Charlie Plummer) has lost hope in his father’s return and fears for his mother’s safety as increasingly aggressive suitors pressure her to remarry and crown a new king.

This UK/Italian co-production offers lavish visuals, tightly constructed sequences and showcases Fiennes and Binoche at the very top of their game. The assured direction from Pasolini, who takes his previous experience with character dramas such as NOWHERE SPECIAL and STILL LIFE, applying it to mythological archetypes with stunning results.

  • LANGUAGE English
  • PRESENTED BY The Greek Community of Melbourne