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The GCM Schools Dance Was a Resounding Success

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The GCM Schools Dance Was a Resounding Success

A very successful School Dinner Dance took place on Saturday, 9 September at Stars International Reception Centre, organised by the Greek Community of Melbourne’s Language and Culture Schools.

This is the first annual dance organised for all school campuses of G.C.M. since Covid-19 pandemic. and the participation exceeded all expectations. Students from all school campuses shared with their parents and teachers an unforgettable evening full of surprises, games, music, and lots of dancing! The evening was honoured with the presence of the Executive Education Consultant, Dr. Georgia Nikolaidou, Professor of Language and Literacy at Melbourne University and author of the report "Pharos" on revitalising the Greek language in Australia, Dr. Joseph Lo Bianco, as well as members of the Board of Directors and the Educational Committee of G.C.M.

The Year 12 students made the evening memorable with their lively presence, enthusiasm, and joy as they congregated in a substantial assembly, creating a Greek "glendi" that will be etched in our memories for years to come. The strengthening of bonds between the members of our school community and the development of relationships over time, is something that will continue after the end of school and will strengthen the Greek cultural and linguistic identity. We warmly thank all those who organised this wonderful evening and contributed to its success.

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