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The Greek Book Fair 2023 Was Succesfully Completed!

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The Greek Book Fair 2023 Was Succesfully Completed!

The Greek Book Fair 2023 was a wonderful success with over 30 authors and countless publications on offer. The event held at the Greek Community of Melbourne (GCM) ON 25 & 26 November provided Greek-Australian authors with the opportunity to present their work and engage with the broader community on their writings. The weekend program included speeches, discussions, presentations, and book signings.

"The official opening commenced on 25 November with a welcome by Dr. Nikos Dallas, Head of educational programs. Dr. Dallas noted that, “this Book Fair is a significant step for us so as to get to know not only the literary work of so many writers but also to understand the history of each book'".

The Consul General of Greece, Mr. Emmanouil Kakavelakis, expressed his enthusiasm for the event, saying, “It is very encouraging to be among so many Greek-Australian authors and publishers whose common theme is either their Greek ancestry or a reference to Greece.'".

In his address, Bill Papastergiadis OAM, President of the GCM, stated, "The Book Fair is an important element within the Community’s’ programs, it serves as an intersection for Greek-Australian writers to exchange ideas and to allow the public to become acquainted with their work. It’s critical that the GCM and its co presenters (Greek-Australian Cultural League, and the Hellenic Writers’ Association of Australia) enhance the opportunities for these literary and cultural exchanges”.

Professor Nikos Papastergiadis from the University of Melbourne concluded the opening by referring to the journal Chronico, the magazine founded by George Michelakakis in Melbourne as a precursor to contemporary conversation about art and culture. The journal included images by Peter Lyssiotis, poems by Dimitris Tsaloumas and George Vassilacopoulos, art by Dina Tourvas, and political commentary on the shortcomings of multiculturalism.

Professor Nikos Papastergiadis noted that “this journal founded the need for cultural evolution beyond traditional heritage and the purity of language. Professor Papastergiadis said that it developed a style of thinking that he had not yet encountered in the Greek community – it engaged with the contemporary challenges of the time. Such publications have changed the world, and hence, the books of today help us make sense of the world we are living in and provide the form for an alternative one to come”.

Cathy Alexopoulos, OAM President GACL said "If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart." —Nelson Mandela

“This year’s Book Fair has certainly touched our hearts with the abundance of literature matter and the opportunity to meet the creators. And even further it has given us the opportunity to connect and reconnect with authors, friends, and bibliophiles. This event should be part of the Community’s calendar and pave the way to include other nationalities’ authors. We need to consider this seriously and engage the younger generation in this dialogue. Thank you for the opportunity to collaborate with the Greek Community in this event once again”.

Ioannis Sachinidis, Treasurer of The Hellenic Writers Association of Australia said “Congratulations to The Greek Community of Melbourne for organizing the fantastic 2023 Greek Book Fair. It was a privilege to exhibit and participate in this event and to meet such talented writers. Keep up the good work and may there be many such events in the future”.

The Greek Book Fair 2023, organized by the Greek Community of Melbourne, the Greek-Australian Cultural League, and the Hellenic Writers’ Association of Australia and sponsored by the Greek Quarter.

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