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GCM Schools on Safer Internet Day

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GCM Schools on Safer Internet Day

The GCM Schools are delighted to share their involvement in Safer Internet Day as they strive to promote awareness of online safety concerns. Our primary objective is to provide education on potential online safety risks, addressing issues such as online abuse. Together, let's acquire the skills to navigate the digital world safely and learn where to find support when needed.

Mark your calendar for Tuesday 6 February 2024 and sign up to support Safer Internet Day.

What is Safer Internet Day?

Safer Internet DayExternal link is a global initiative to raise awareness of online safety issues.

The eSafety Commissioner leads the initiative in Australia. We educate people about online safety risks, like online abuse, how to be safe online and where to go for help.

This Safer Internet Day we're encouraging you to take three simple actions when approaching online safety: Connect. Reflect. Protect.

Connect safely by keeping apps and devices secure and reviewing your privacy settings regularly.

Reflect on how your actions online may affect others or your safety.

Protect yourself and others by visiting to find out how to stay safe online and report online abuse.

By doing these things and sharing the Connect. Reflect. Protect message, we can work towards making every day a Safer Internet Day.

Mark your calendar for Tuesday 6 February 2024 and sign up to support Safer Internet Day.