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Registrations Are Now Open for the “Certificate of Attainment


Registrations Are Now Open for the “Certificate of Attainment

Registrations for the exanimations for the 2024 Certificate of Attainment in Greek language are now open. The examinations for the 2024 Certificate of Attainment in Greek language will take place in May this year at the Greek Community of Melbourne, Examination Centre of Melbourne, Code No: 61007.

The Certificate of Attainment in Greek is the only national certificate, officially recognized by the Greek Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs, that confirms the knowledge of Greek as a foreign/second language, starting from A1, for children 8-12 years old, to C2.

Candidates who wish to participate in exams for all levels must have completed their 8th year by May 31st, of the current year. Additionally, candidates for A1 level (8-12 years) must not be older than 12 years on May 31st, of the current year. It is recommended for the candidates under the age of 16 years old to avoid taking the examination at levels B2, C1 and C2, because the content of exam items requires knowledge and experience which younger candidates may not possess.

We would like to inform you that registrations are to be processed electronically through the electronic registration system available at:

This environment gives candidates access to the May 2024 application and questionnaire. However, in extreme circumstances, if this is not possible, you can apply on a paper application form.

Applications for the examinations for the Certificate of Attainment in Greek 2024 will be accepted between February 1st and March 20th, 2024.

The examinations will take place:

  • on the 14th of May for Levels A1 and A2,
  • on the 15th of May for Levels B2 and C1 and
  • on the 16th of May for Levels B1 and C2.

The candidates will be notified of the exact time & location of their examinations by March 31, 2024.

In order to complete their online registration (or paper where applicable), candidates are required to deposit the examination fees.

For Levels A1, A2 and B1, fees are 150 AUD each.
For Levels B2, C1 and C2, fees are 165 AUD each.

(Rate January 25th, 2024, Reserve Bank of Australia: 1 AUD = 0,6046 Euro).

Bank account details:


Account Name: Greek Orthodox Community of Melb & Vic

BSB: 063 023

Account Number: 1004 3624

During the payment process, you must enter as "reference" the initials GLC followed by the full name of the candidate (e.g. if the candidate’s name is John Pappas, the reference must be GLC-John Pappas). Once your payment has been confirmed, the registration will be completed. Please, keep proof of the deposit, until you receive confirmation of your enrolment.

For past papers orders please refer to:

For more information regarding the Certificate of Attainment and the appropriate level of candidates please visit: